It’s difficult to deal with fear when going through change. Change can be scary and unpredictable, especially if you are already feeling stress and pressure in other areas of your life. This is something I experienced recently. Over the years, I have worked hard to learn how to deal with this anxietytrigger. Many years ago, I noticed that whenever a big change occurred in my life, I felt great anxiety.

Why change is difficult for those who suffer from anxietyOne of the reasons I’ve noticed that I’m afraid of change is the unpredictability of situations. When I experience new changes, life is no longer as predictable as usual. I usually know what to expect from day to day, but when something changes and something new happens, I don’t know what to expect.

This unpredictability causes the overwhelming worry that often accompanies fear. Persistent ruminations, thoughts, and worries can be overwhelming. Instead of feeling confident that I can handle whatever happens, I feel overwhelmed because I feel like I don’t know what will happen.This often results in a withdrawal from others and the desire for isolation.

However, I know from experience that this doesn’t really help me and can ultimately backfire and make my anxiety worse when I go through a change.I was essentially pushed out of my comfort zone, my habits and my everyday life and with that came a feeling of helplessness. The worry, often feeling like something bad is going to happen – which is typical of anxiety – becomes something I feel very clearly.Dealing with anxiety related to changeThe problem is that it is difficult for me to function in everyday life.


It becomes challenging when you need to be able to function effectively in everyday life but at the same time find it difficult to concentrate because your thoughts are consumed by worries about the future.Things that I know are helpful and that I try to continue to work on when dealing with change and anxiety include practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation.

And while calming the nervous system helps, I think the most helpful strategy to focus on is to reframe my negative thought process. I need to recognize the thought patterns that cause me to feel overwhelmed, out of control, and overall inferior. Sometimes writing these thoughts down helps me organize them in my head and make sense of them so I can regain control.Do you use strategies to help you deal with anxiety when you go through a change? If so, share them in the comments below.

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